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Lost in the Ophthalmology Office: A Dream of Donna, Cile, and Mysterious Doors

I dreamt I was in an ophthalmology office and I was trying to store things where the receptionists sit. There were two women both named Donna and my cousin Cile was there. Donna kept telling me I was making too much noise laying my box down even though I was very quiet and they were talking loudly. Then when I went out to get my next box, I couldn’t find the door I was supposed to go in. I kept wandering around and opening wrong doors. Then I saw Betsy from church (I haven’t been going) and she was wearing a white lab coat and leading a group of ophalthalmology students which was weird. When did she become a dr?

I dreamt I was in an ophthalmology office and I was trying to store things where the receptionists sit. There were two women both named Donna and my cousin Cile was there. Donna kept telling me I was making too much noise laying my box down even though I was very quiet and they were talking loudly. Then when I went out to get my next box, I couldn’t find the door I was supposed to go in. I kept wandering around and opening wrong doors. Then I saw Betsy from church (I haven’t been going) and she was wearing a white lab coat and leading a group of ophalthalmology students which was weird. When did she become a dr?

It is common to dream about environments or places where we have spent a significant amount of time in our waking life, such as in this case an ophthalmology office. The presence of the two Donnas and your cousin Cile in the dream may represent different aspects of yourself or people in your life that you are trying to please or seek approval from.

The difficulty in finding the right door could symbolize a sense of confusion or feeling lost in regards to a particular situation or direction in your waking life. The presence of Betsy from church could represent a figure of authority or guidance in your life that you may feel is leading you in a different direction than what you expected or planned for. The fact that she is leading a group of ophthalmology students could possibly represent a desire to learn or gain knowledge in a particular area or field.

Overall, this dream may be indicating a need for clarity and direction in your waking life path, and possibly a desire to seek guidance and knowledge from external sources.